Please call the center for our current rates.

Tuition is paid weekly by credit/debit card or ACH (direct-debit) payments on the Friday before the school week. Parents are responsible for the payment processing fees, which will be rolled into their weekly charge and is based on their preferred payment method.

A limited number of part-time spots are available. 

We accept DSS, WDI, and military subsidies.

Tuition rates are based on the classroom your child is placed in, not their age. We do our best to move children up to the next classroom as soon as we can based on space availability.

Tuition is payable every week your child is enrolled. If your child does not attend due to illness, vacation, or other reasons, the full tuition amount is still due. Full tuition is also due for weeks the center might be closed for a holiday or due to inclement weather, even if that falls on one of your part-time days.

We do not offer half-day care but you are able to pick your child up whenever you would like. We do encourage that all children arrive by 8:45 am so that they do not miss out on important instructional time in the morning.


A one-time $75 registration fee is collected when registering for the program. 

A deposit equivalent to two weeks tuition is due upon enrollment and will be applied to the last two weeks of care, as long as written notice that the child is leaving the program is provided at least two weeks in advance.

A $25 fee will be charged if ACH (direct debit) payment cannot be processed due to insufficient funds or if credit card payments cannot be processed due to insufficient credit and payments are late. An additional $5 fee will be charged for each day that the payment is late. Two late payments may results in termination of care.

If you are late picking up your child when the center closes, a fee of $1 per minute will be charged for every minute past 5:30.

Rates are updated at least once annually and families are given at least one week’s notice about tuition increases. Tuition increases allow us to fairly compensate our staff, who work tirelessly to educate and care for your children, as well as improve facilities and purchase educational materials.